
Hello world; I am Sahil Suman, a Computer Science and Engineering student at Vellore Institute of Technology, AP. I am interested in programming, specifically Data Structures, Algorithms, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, and web technologies. I have experience with Java programming and I am currently exploring Rust.

I contribute to open-source projects that you can check out by visiting my Github Profile. In addition to programming, I enjoy blogging, studying Business and Philosophy, and playing chess.

Pinned Projects

A command-line interface (CLI) program that allows you to search for anime and stream it using webtorrent.
Shell Scripting
A web application that leverages OpenAI's natural language processing capabilities to automate code reviews.
React / OpenAI

Other Projects

A AI-based image game that combines the power of creativity and competition.
React / OpenAI / Firebase / Express
A script to pull 800K stock data from a website, refresh Google Sheet every 15 minutes.
Google App Script

My Tech Stack

LanguagesJavaScript / TypeScript / Python3 / Java
FrontendReactJS / NextJS / Svelte
DevOpsDocker / Git / Bash / CI/CD / Vim
HTTP APIsFastAPI / Express / GraphQL / REST

My Edge

I am an engineer first (learning every day to become an excellent one). I truly enjoy building and fixing things, particularly for the web.

I have learned and sharpened my presentation and sales skills while providing web services during my high school and university years.


I believe my strong presentation skills and salesmanship set me apart.